lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Great Lakes Biplane 2012 1st Flight

Acrobacias con el motor Simonini Victor2

1st Great Lakes Biplane flight of 2012 in March no less flying in a t-shirt with amazing 70 degrees in Michigan! No soundtrack this time (so little loud) and no aerobatics, just getting current and having fun!

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Tango II GT con motor Simonini Victor2

Aqui tenemos, desde León (Spain) en el "Aerodromo de Chozas de Abajo" un Ultraligero Tango II GT con un motor Simonini Victor 2.

Gracias Fernando por registrarte en nuestro Blog de Usuarios del motor Simonini!
Y por mostrarnos tu magnifico ultraligero!

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

STOL CH 701 with Simonini Victor II

The engine is the Simonini Victor II from Italy. The engine is a nickasil ceramic coated engine, rated at 92 hp. Weight is 104 lbs with radiator and fluids. It has the same bolt pattern as the Rotax 582 it replaced but is slightly wider because of the location of the starter. The original mount had to be widened to allow for this and every modified corner was gusseted in the mount and every leg starting at the gusset was increased 50% in wall thickness. The cowling bottom had to be cut to accept the exit of the tuned exhaust system. The radiator had to be moved also and turned lengthwise. The engine burns 2.5 to 3 gallons an hr. 33:1 two-stroke pre-mix . 
I now have nearly 100 hrs on the engine and it has been very good. Because of the low fuel burn, the 15 gallons of fuel on board has now more than doubled my flying time. There is less noise and vibration than the 582 and the TBO of the Victor II has recently been raised from 600 hrs to 800hrs by the factory. My cost for this engine was $4800 at the time of purchase. I am using the recommended prop which is a ground adjustable DUC 68". The gearbox is Simonini also and is a 3:1 internally cushioned drive.

I recommend this engine for fuel, longevity and low weight for the CH 701 both as a replacement for the 582 and as a first choice low cost alternative.
STOL CH 701 owner Lynn Sanderson, Conde, South Dakota



sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Bonito avion ICP SuperBingo con Simonini Victor2 de 92CV, usado para Escuela

Nuestro amigo Carlos ha querido compartir con nosotros una foto de su avion ICP SuperBingo con motor Simonini Victor2 que usa para Escuela en el Centro de Vuelos de Lumbier (Navarra). En la foto aparece junto a su amigo Juanito y el nieto de este.

Gracias Carlos!